Paragon Gym Photoshoot

So last week I had an incredible photoshoot and opportunity to train at Paragon Gym in Wolverhampton. The theme of the shoot was to capture ‘real’ action shots. That means all the emotion in the pictures is real, no pretty boy posing as I call it when models are lifting some stupidly light weights.


I had a list of taxing exercises in mind and thanks to the great facility at Paragon we were able to get it all down. The range of equipment was fantastic and as soon as me and photographers walked in we realised this was definitely the right place to be.

A sprint track with a sled for tough walks and pushes, the biggest functional rig in the area, Olympic bumper plates for hardcore lifters as well as a whole range of hammer strength machines for the body sculptors (body-builders). This strength and conditioning gym has tried to cater for everyone and has done a great job at that.

Paragon Definition – A person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality.
                                    – A noun, a person or thing viewed as a model of excellence.

The name itself deserves credit. I really loved the setup. Go and check them out!

It’s been a long time since my first photoshoot when I set up this website, I forgot just how taxing it was. To repeatedly complete sets until everything is right, the angle, the lighting, the expressions etc. You find yourself doing a set of overhead squats 10 times before you’ve actually captured what is needed with everything ticked off.

My first photoshoot lasted a total of 6 hours, it included a physique gym shoot, a physique studio shoot and a promo video too! I was out of the gym for a week because I was so sore. Don’t believe me? Try tensing your abs for a minute. Now imagine posing with tight abs for hours on end. It is very taxing. Respect is due for physique athletes and bodybuilders who have to go out and pose for prolonged periods of time.

What I wanted here was different I wanted action shots, meaning me performing exercises essentially. Even though it technically wasn’t a workout, it still had me beaten up.

Here’s an image slider of shots from the day, hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed shooting them.

[masterslider id=”6″]

Location Credit: Paragon Gym (thanks to Gaz)

 16 Phoenix Rd,
Wolverhampton WV11 3PX

Photographer Credit: Topaz Media

(t): +44 (0) 7984 695567

Clothing Credit: Myprotein. Check out this link to see what I recommend –

Post Shoot Food Credit: Mr Singhs. Lol.

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